Overcoming Tragedy to Running Towards his Future
Alex Cuevas is getting ready at a track meet.
May 8, 2020
Alex Cuevas is very known for being one of the top runners in cross country, which he has participated in all four years of high school as well as track. Cuevas did play soccer his freshman year, but due to a car accident he and his family got into he was no longer able to play. This was a big setback for Cuevas, but it only made him stronger.
Cuevas would have to say that his favorite memory during high school was winning State with his team during his junior year. Cuevas explains, “It was a really emotional moment for me especially due to everything I went through the year before, my sophomore year.” High school is where memories are made and we do the most growing up. A lot can be learned and experienced in just four years. Cuevas has learned so much throughout high school especially while running, which he loves most. A role model to Cuevas is coach Setser. Cuevas states, “Coach Setser played a huge role for me and taught me that if I really want to, I can be in control of my mind and that itself was very essential in all my success.” The important lesson that Cuevas learned from his role model not only helped him athletically, but also life in general. These are lessons and memories that Cuevas will carry on for the rest of his life.
As a senior, graduating and starting a new chapter is very exciting. For Cuevas, he is excited to start fresh with his running and experience a new level of competitiveness. Cuevas received a full ride scholarship to UC Davis for cross country and track where he plans on majoring in Kinesiology and liberal studies as a backup plan. Eventually, he hopes to become a running coach or have the chance to run professionally. Four years definitely flies by quicker than most realize especially for Cuevas which he wishes he would have participated in more activities during school, but he does not dwell on it. High school is definitely something that Cuevas will miss, but a whole new adventure awaits.