Changes Bring New Faces, New Safety Measures
Ridgeview student athletes do running drills during conditioning in Nov.
December 14, 2020
COVID-19 has made everything difficult for High School athletes, but Ridegview’s teams are pulling through. Especially for volleyball, they have not had real tryouts, “because CIF rules say we can’t use equipment or be indoors. So, we have just been working out on the football field trying to get ourselves back in shape after six months of quarantine couch potato life” says Coach Camille Ramirez.
Even with precautions being taken, such as having three sections of students (Frosh-Soph, JV, and Varsity) that cannot mix, having them stay six feet apart, wearing masks, and answering a series of health/Covid related screening questions along with their temperature being taken. Although as of December 2nd, 2020 all in person sports will be on pause according to the Kern High School District so conditioning has ended.
In addition to difficulties, there was a significant change in students attending conditioning. Ramirez said the reason why is because, “Several girls told me that their parents didn’t feel comfortable with them coming out with COVID cases going up”. On the other hand, there were still students coming so the question is why?
“I am trying out this year because it is my senior season and I enjoy playing volleyball here at Ridgeview”, said Returner Paige Miller.
Returning first year Varsity Nallisse Blackmon says she continued to play, “because it gives me something to do but as well it’s something I enjoy doing. Plus, you’re surrounded with these amazing groups of young ladies that turn into more than just your teammates.”
When asked has Covid-19 changed anything about their possible volleyball season this is how they responded:
“It unfortunately did change everything about my season, but hopefully things get better and we go back to normal”, said returning first year Varsity Karely Herrera.
Miller said, “Because of COVID-19, we have not been able to have any games or even try out yet.”
Ramirez reveals that Covid-19 led to her coaching style changing, she says, “ ”
“It didn’t really change anything yet other than the fact we may or may not get a season. Which is a bummer if we don’t since I’m a senior and have been looking forward to this season and senior night”, said Blackmon.
In spite of conditioning being put on hold, Ramirez just wants everyone to stay safe. She also added, “I really wish we could have had a season safely so that my seniors would have the opportunity to play their last year in high school.”
Nevertheless, here’s some advice about what it takes to play volleyball if you want to try out next year.
Blackman says, “It takes a lot of effort , practice , and a strong mentality. It’s not just about serving and passing it’s so much more than that.”
“I think to play any sport it takes physical and mental toughness. There will be days when you’re not only physically tired but mentally tired as well, and you have to be strong enough to push through it and still give your all on the court” responded Ramirez.
Herrera said, “ It definitely takes a lot of dedication, strength, and will”. She also wanted to mention, “Definitely to go out and have fun because you’re only a teenager once and only have one high school experience so go out and make the most out of it.”
“In order to play, you must be able to work with others well and have a positive encouraging attitude”, says Miller.