Ridgeview’s Staff Partakes in the Wolfpack Games
Staff member showing off their team t-shirt.
October 10, 2022
An efficient and fun way to get teachers around campus to participate in school involvement. Ridgeview High school has an ongoing program for all staff members on campus. This program was introduced to this campus in order to increase staff morale and keep campus culture among the staff positive.
This idea has been tossed around throughout the district. The schools in the Kern High district typically steal ideas from each other and make them their own. David Cuellar, our graphic arts teacher, admitted this idea was stolen; however, Ridgeview staff members crafted it into their own and called it Wolf-Pack games. It is very common throughout the Kern High School district that these types of ideas are taken for each other and turn it into their own. For this school, Wolf-Pack games are challenged for every staff member on campus.
This staff member list includes teachers, teacher aids, office staff, and campus security. These challenges are year long, one big challenge each month, and a few during the weeks. The teams were not specifically picked, it was randomized. Also, the teams are split into two teams titled by Purple team and Gold team. Some of these challenges could include such things as attending school sports games, wearing your team color, attending meetings, and any other school events.
The most staff that shows up wearing their team’s colors gets one point for each person. The Tallies for the teams are calculated at the end of each month and are added to the official scoreboard for the school year. The price for the team that wins isn’t specified at this time, but Cuellar explains it could be lunch or some type of gift. Teachers around the school have included their opinions on this idea and majority said, giving an announcement of a prize boosts the excitement between the staff and it causes them to want to be involved, it pumps up the adrenaline and makes it more exciting and fun to be included.
The Wolf-Pack games is said to eventually and hopefully become a tradition for the Ridgeview High staff members. And it all starts with everyone being involved and making the program better and better throughout the years to come. Cuellar expresses, “every school should be doing this.”