Shooting Towards His Future


Tyron Tylers passing the ball during a game against Bakersfield Christian High School.

Samantha Trujillo, Sport Editor

  Senior, Tyron Tyler greets the end of his last year in high school basketball for the 2023 season here at Ridgeview High School, although he will continue to strive for bigger and higher goals. Tyler recalls beginning his time in the sport since his elementary years in the second grade. Always being surrounded by basketball his whole life from family members, Tyler received the love and support from close friends and family. “My pops, he inspired me, he used to hoop so he taught me a lot and then my uncles, I just grew up in a competitive family, they all played basketball, so it just motivated me to want to get better at my craft and play” asserts Tyler.

      Playing for Independence High School his freshman through Junior year as well as winning Valley Champions his first year in high school, Tyler decided to take on the challenge of moving to Ridgeview his senior year. Although his time with the Ridgeview boys’ basketball team was short, it was also a memorable time, winning M.V.P for this season’s team. Despite his departure from high school basketball, Tyler is making plans to continue playing at the next level in his athletic career. “I’m looking at schools in Oregon, Fresno schools, you know some Arizona schools”.  Not only has Tyler enjoyed playing this sport throughout his youth but has also enjoyed what the sport has to offer back. Being able to use the sport as a stress reliever or even as a type of comfort, Tyler was able to apply daily life learning opportunities through his sport. “ It’s taught me to never give up, It taught me that whatever happens that its temporary and that you can always get back up and have another shot cause you could lose a game and you can’t just give up then and there so it’s like in life if you fall down you got to get back up regardless you got to bounce back and get ready for the next event that occurs or the next, shoot, next life obstacle really,” states Tyler.

     Also saying goodbye to Tyler this year is boys’ basketball coach, Michael Martin. Coach Martin, who has known Tyler since his 7th grade year hopes to see him as well playing at the next collegiate level. Not only will Martin miss the assistance he gave to the team but the type of liveliness he brought with him as well. “Very out-going, fun, friendly, loving kid that wants to play basketball, always active, he’s good, he’s a jokester, real joking,” said Martin. With this type of charisma, it was easy for others to see him in a team captain type role which ended up helping the team to build their chemistry as well as confide in one another. “He was amazing, he was everything we needed in him. I mean being 6`5 and can play the game, he loves playing basketball, it really helped us in what we needed for our team, a scorer, a captain, a leader he did a really good job at that.,” added Martin.