Over the years, open-campus lunch periods have ceased to exist. We currently have a closed campus, meaning we cannot leave and go out during lunch. Many seniors and upperclassmen have expressed their distaste against this policy. They believe our school should bring back off-campus lunch, and I agree. Off-campus lunch would benefit students and staff and positively impact our entire district.
As students transition into adulthood, privileges like off-campus lunch can teach valuable life skills. Students would be accountable for coming back to class on time. They would be held to this by having the offer revoked if necessary, giving students a sense of responsibility. Besides this, it also shows the importance of time management, as those leaving campus will have to spend their time outside wisely. With these skills, administrators, teachers, and staff can rely on students to be trusted more often. They can build relationships and treat students like the adults they are becoming.
Older students may even be busy with work. Having time to leave school in the middle of the day can give students with jobs more time for classwork and other responsibilities from home. If someone doesn’t work, they can still go home and handle any tasks or duties they have as well. They might have to take care of a sibling or pet, do chores, etc. Since school is a high-stress environment, going home is also a great way to relieve any pressure built up throughout the day. Being able to rewind will help students come back to class and finish the rest of their day stronger.
Getting lunch outside of campus also exposes students to a wide variety of better-quality food. Have you ever disliked the food served? Have you ever felt like our menu has limited options? Students who agree with these questions may not eat at lunch, which can cause feelings of sickness throughout the day. Eating meals off campus would eliminate all of these problems. Ridgeview High School is near many diverse and popular restaurants, such as Raising Canes, Habit Burger, Rancho Grande, Me-N-Eds Pizzeria, and more. Those who eat at these restaurants will be better satisfied with their meals without feeling sick.
Students would like more freedom and independence involving their own time. Reimplementing off-campus lunch is an opportunity for us high schoolers to slowly join the adult world and see our town through a new lens.