Club Rush is an annual event that was held on August 30th to help introduce current and incoming students to all the clubs that are offered on our campus. There are many options club wise so having all lunch to walk around and potentially learn about clubs you find interesting, or even find a new interest is a great opportunity. This event happens during lunch period and all club officers and or members set up booths in the quad where students can come and learn all about the clubs held on campus.
Being involved in high school can be important and one easy way to start is joining a club. Clubs allow students to be independent and self-sufficient. Students have the choice to join a club or even create their own, this gives you the chance to be creative and do something you are passionate about as well as share that passion with others. One of the many people here on campus that wants to see their club grow and achieve more is Ileanna Salinas.
One of the clubs that is offered at Ridgeview is Spanish National Honors Society. The Vice president of this club is Salinas, she is a senior this year at Ridgeview and is very committed to being an important asset to the club. Salinas explains why she joins the club by stating, “I decided to join this club and be an officer because it’s part of my culture and I love being able to be more in touch with my roots. I love being able to help others do the same as well.” Being involved in this Spanish National Honors Society has a deeper meaning than just joining a club, for Salinas this club permits her to feel closer to her culture and learn more while also helping others feel more connected. Salinas proceeds to talk about these goals for this year and how they plan to achieve them, “This year’s main goal is to be more involved with our community. We hope to bring in speakers every month to discuss how being bilingual helps them in their occupation.”
In addition to setting new goals there are many more advantages to being in a club. While talking to Salinas she mentions, “An advantage to being involved in school is being able to express yourself, Ridgeview’s clubs and extracurricular activities allow for students to find their own place if they want to plus being involved also looks very good on college applications.”
In conclusion, this year’s annual club rush was a success and if you still aren’t sure if you should join and club or even start your own, there are so many possibilities and benefits to being involved in a club so don’t miss out.