Goal’s this year for boys’ tennis strikes again this season. Sophomore De’Andre Johnson states that he has been playing tennis since freshman year, with motivation from his friend to try out as well. From being on JV with Coach Gunette freshman year and moving up to Varsity his sophomore year with Coach Rice, he feels as if the tennis program is fit just right for him.
Johnson states, “ Ever since I first joined I immediately fell for the sport.” Johnson’s goal is to make it past the area in hopes to build up his passion for tennis even more.
Johnson is confident that he will accomplish his goals with his partner, Sophomore Landen Brown who has a record of 11-1 for doubles.. Johnson states, “ I feel like we have very good communication in the game, and I feel like we can make it.” Johnson explains that the toughest school they would face is Bakersfield Christian High School because he feels as if the players are really aggressive on the court and that they have been practicing since they were younger. Johnson states, “I am highly confident this year, especially because I have been working really hard during the off season.” Along with that, Johnson is seeking out to beat them this year since he’s been practicing and working hard since his off season.
Sophomore Landen Brown has been playing tennis since his freshman year, with encouragement from his doubles partner De’Andre Johnson. Brown has moved up from JV to Varsity; he seems to find the change “thrilling” and looks forward to excelling in any upcoming matches. Brown also looks forward to winning the division and even championships. Brown states, “I am looking forward to this season’s opportunities and to achieve goals that I have set in place .” Brown believes their toughest opponent this season will be Stockdale High School because they are a D1 school. Brown feels as though last year seemed harder because of him being new to the sport and just getting to understand the rules and play styles.
Boys’ head coach Laura Rice has been coaching boys’ tennis for seventeen years. Rice found a passion for coaching tennis since she played in high school and college. During that time she has loved the sport and team aspect even though it is considered as an individual sport. Rice states, “It is also a fun way to be a team.” Goals for Rice are for the boys’ to keep improving and to win a few of their league matches. Rice concludes that the toughest schools right now for the team would be Bakersfield Christian High School as well as Bakersfield High School because they are at the top of their league matches right now. Rice states they are going to have to play very well and that she never counts them out.