Homelessness has always been a problem. According to the 2024 Point-in-Time Count reported an increase of 37% of the homeless population in Bakersfield. This number is also growing every single day as homelessness is becoming a larger crisis. However, it is becoming more and more of an apparent problem in the US and especially in Bakersfield today. The city of Bakersfield had police clear the homeless encampments along the Kern River in hopes to take homelessness off the streets.
An article from KGET explains that 24 encampments were cleared and an additional 23 people were arrested. This approach to shutting down homeless encampments is in hopes of trying to take control of the homeless problem in Bakersfield. Robert Gonzalez, a senior at Ridgeview High School says, “Homelessness has gotten even worse overtime.” Gonzalez has had a couple friends who almost went down the homeless route, but luckily were able to be helped. Gonzalez said, “It is wrong to judge homeless people because you don’t know them or why they’re homeless, sometimes it’s not their fault. Just unfortunate events.”
Cameron Foster, a sophomore at Ridgeview, also talked about the homelessness in Bakersfield. “The homelessness in Bakersfield is especially bad downtown with all the homeless set ups and trash.” According to the City of Bakersfield Homeless Hub, most unhoused people make their way to downtown Bakersfield, giving it its bad reputation of having a lot of homeless people setting up on the streets. “Us as a city and community should try to help them to get off of the streets,” Folser says. “Bakersfield should help by giving them shelter to help get them off the streets and rehab if needed,” Folser continued, “Everyone as a whole can get more done than they can individually. We should try to work together against the issue of the homeless.”
Ashley Gonzalez, a student counselor at Ridgeview High School, explains, “Homelessness has gotten worse since I’ve grown up here in Bakersfield,” Gonzales continues, “…There are a lot of reasons for homelessness, but I think the main one is not having any goals. It is important to have goals for yourself so you don’t lose track of what is important.”
Homelessness in Bakersfield has been an ongoing problem within the city. However, Bakersfield is trying to help mitigate the homelessness problem by offering shelters, and also clearing out the homeless encampments. The city hopes to bring new solutions to help the streets of Bakersfield as well as helping the homeless population.
Gerardo • Mar 25, 2025 at 5:10 pm
Great Article!